Our Programs.

1:1 Health Coaching.

Uncover your ability to heal YOU.

By choosing one of the programs below, you will receive a health counselor, accountability coach and advocate. Outside factors often limit the amount of time your doctor can spend with you and get down to the root cause of what is going on with your health. This is where health coaching comes in!

Through in-depth symptom review and functional lab testing, Aimee advocates for you, supports you, and individualizes a plan to help you heal.

Nutrition, exercise, stress management, supplementation, and removing environmental toxicities are all foundations to finding your wellness and balance.

Which program is right for you?

Comprehensive 1:1 Coaching

This program is for someone who is ready to overhaul their health. You have multiple health goals you're interested in attaining and want deeper insight into your own health.


6 months of 1:1 coaching with Aimee 2 1-hour sessions, 5 30-min follow ups

The Big 5 at home functional lab tests (valued at $2,095)

Customized and targeted health plan

Personalized supplement protocol

Personalized nutrition plan

Ad hoc supplement and health research

Unlimited access to messaging with Aimee

Concentrated 1:1 Coaching

This program is for someone who has one to three specific health goals in mind and you want some insight into specific areas (e.g., optimizing fertility, improving gut health, balancing PCOS, etc.).


6 months of 1:1 coaching with Aimee 2 1-hour sessions, 5 30-min follow ups

3 at home functional lab tests (valued at $1,097)

Customized and targeted health plan

Personalized supplement protocol

Unlimited access to messaging with Aimee