Gain Control Of Your Wellness.

Hello and welcome to VBA Wellness! I’m Aimee and I am the founder of VBA Wellness. I am an Integrative Health Practitioner and I help women optimize their health and fertility through personalized integrative care methods. I have a background in maternity and cardiology nursing as well as providing psychosocial services to families in the hospital that has prepared me for this opportunity to help people heal.

My passion is to help transform how we view health and wellness and empower you to take steps toward optimal health. I love to teach others how to advocate for their greatest life, filling them with confidence, energy, and knowledge.

  • A VBA client is someone that believes the body has the ability to heal with the help of the correct nutrients and a supportive lifestyle and/or is frustrated by the limited answers they have received regarding their disease or lack of wellness.

    You might be seeking answers regarding your infertility, PCOS, Hashimoto’s, hormone imbalance, adrenal insufficiency, gut discomfort, etc. I work with all of it!

  • Through in-depth symptom review and functional lab testing, we can get down to the root cause of your problem. I help you to fully understand the cause of your symptoms, get rid of the band-aids, and balance your body to restore health and wellness.

  • Since very early on, Aimee has struggled with weight gain and hormonal imbalance. Aimee became interested in natural remedies for her ailments.

    Because of her interest in alternative fixes, Aimee dove deeper into research on functional medicine and attended her first conference put on by The Institute of Functional Medicine. At the conference she was inspired - especially inspired by the amount of doctors, nurses and other health professionals that started out in the traditional world of medicine and then learned that integrating more natural wellness practices with medicine was actually helping their patients feel well again.

    Seeking an understanding of the foundations of patient care and medicine, Aimee completed a Master’s in Nursing at The University of Texas at Austin and dove into maternity and cardiology nursing. She saw the sickest of the sick and all of the band-aids that were being utilized on her patients. This re-ignited her passion for educating people that there is better care out there.

    Aimee also has had her own struggles with PCOS and infertility, through which she herself has worked with a naturopath and health coach to learn her imbalances and how to heal from them. By addressing the root causes of her PCOS, Aimee has reversed her symptoms of PCOS and continues to work on sustaining wellness.

    Aimee was encouraged by the success of working with her integrative practitioners to complete an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) certification to help her best be able to assist individuals to learn about the root cause of their diseases. Because of this certification, Aimee now has the tools to help YOU rebalance your body and find your wellness.